1. Favorite Cross Country memory/bonding experience?
2. How long have you been on the team? Has it been all four years?
3. What made you decide to choose UD?
4. What motivated you to run at the collegiate level?
5.What are your plans for after graduation?
6. Favorite Cap Bar drink?
Nicholas ‘Nico’ Walz
Senior philosophy and classical philology major
Irving, Texas

1. This last season, traveling to James LaTour’s hometown for his meet was pretty fun. That’s definitely a memory that’s one of the best I’ve made while running cross country. I’ve also loved all our bus trips across the years, so it’s hard to pick a specific memory.
2. I’ve been running for all four years, both cross country and track and field.
3. Definitely what was most important to me is the Catholic culture on campus, but also the rigorous academics and the wonderful classes and professors that are offered here. The opportunity to continue to run was also a nice incentive, as well, so I’m glad I’ve been able to continue doing that.
4. I wanted to keep pushing myself to see if I could improve my times more from high school. [I] also [wanted] the opportunity to get to know people through a team environment. I think that’s very beneficial. Overall, it’s good to stay in shape, and cross country is a good way to help you continue doing that.
5. I’m in the middle of applying to graduate school, so I’m hoping to get accepted. [I’ll] probably [keep running] for fun, maybe do some road races. I’m not sure that I’ll ever officially compete like I’ve been doing so it’s kind of a little nostalgic to be in the last season, but it’s also fun. I’m ready to move on.
6. [My favorite Capp Bar drink is] probably a mocha or Vienna coffee which they sometimes offer, but I’m not the biggest coffee drinker, so I also love Italian cream sodas.
Melissa Gabino
Senior business major
Elgin, Texas

1. The obstacle course was a challenge. It was very fun, and it was a lot of team bonding, which I really like, so I got to know each and every one.
2. This is my second year running for cross country, so [I’m] kind of new to it. I’m a beginner.
3. The Catholic environment, having a church on campus, and also, I wanted to go to a small school so it’s very nice to get to know the professors more with more connections.
4. The way I joined was when somebody suggested that I try out for the cross country team, and prior to that, I had been running on the treadmill, so I was like, “This is not gonna be very hard to get into.” After that, I really enjoyed running, and now I’m working on my time so I get better.
5. [I’ll] probably work as a financial analyst. I want to apply at Tesla, so I want to check that out. [I’ll keep running] just for fun. I do want to test myself and see if I can run marathons around here.