To dorm or not to dorm? That is the question!

Angelicia Alexander, freshman and #31 for the women’s basketball team. Photo courtesy of Udallas Women’s Basketball Instagram.

The advantages and disadvantages of living with or without a teammate

Living with a teammate


• If y’all are good friends, then this is actually a match made in heaven.

• They can help you out from time to time from bringing your forgotten practice jersey to letting you borrow some of their stuff. Just don’t be too dependent on them.

• Post practice and game talks are much more relatable.

• There is no roommate to disturb since they are doing the exact same thing as you are.

Hailey Hawthorne, freshman and #30 for the women’s basketball team. Photo courtesy of Udallas Women’s Basketball Instagram.

• They understand your passion and commitment to the sport.

• Best alarm clock for morning practices or reminders for forgotten details.

• It promotes a tight-knit culture from the beginning of your freshman year.


• Y’all are together from morning, practices, bus trips, to bedtime. Some space can be appreciated.

• Tension can be brought from the dorm to the court/field or vice versa especially when you are playing the same position.

• You can be compatible as teammates but not as roommates especially in lifestyles like cleanliness and having guests over.

• Confrontation can be much more intimidating since team dynamics are at risk.

• Will require some extra effort in getting to know and hanging out with non-teammates friends. Branching out is important for such a small school.


Living with a non-teammate


• A potential great listener with a much more unbiased perspective. You might have to explain a bit of context though…

• They can be your best cheerleader at home games. It is nice seeing a familiar face within campus.

• If y’all share a class together, then they can pass you their notes whenever you travel. Or even turn in your homework for you!

• You get a full first pick on dorm decoration and claiming beds over your roommate.

• Opens up possibilities to get to know more non-teammate people on campus and befriend them.


• They might not be able to relate to you when talking about your passions for the sport.

• You only properly see them more when you are off-season.

• If they are a homebody, then you might not even be given personal space after a long practice.

• They can be much more easily disturbed with morning practices or arriving from late away games.

• With such different lifestyles, it might feel more like you’re living with a stranger instead of a potential friend.

Note from the writer: Everyone’s roommate and lifestyle is different. At the very core of being a good roommate, there is a need for communication, respect for privacy and cleanliness to some degree.


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