Welcome the new head coach for UD Golf!

Moorberg’s official UD headshot. Photo courtesy of Stephanie Moorberg.

Despite the Crusader golf teams lacking a head coach for the past fall season, both teams still persevered in matches and mainly self-run practices. Several players ranked incredibly well in their tournaments despite the absence of a coach. This past week, the University of Dallas hired an official new golf coach who will pave new pathways for student-athletes to reach higher athletic achievements.

Head Coach Stephanie Moorberg has officially joined the athletic staff in support of the golfers on campus. She’s a 2017 graduate from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Moorberg studied sports journalism communication and administration, and always knew she wanted to join the sports world professionally in part due to her childhood experiences.

“I grew up on the golf course because of my dad’s job. He is a teaching pro at a club,” Moorberg explained. “He taught me everything I know about the game.”

Beginning in middle school, Moorberg played golf through her educational years and continues in tournaments up to this day. In university, she pursued internships with her campus’ athletic department to make her passion a reality. There, Moorberg learned about the hard work that it takes to run an athletic program, and gained the skills necessary that would eventually lead her to UD.

“I gained a greater respect for what our coaches do on a daily basis to make our athletic programs succeed,” Moorberg stated.

She described discovering this university as suddenly finding a perfect fit career-wise. After hearing about the coaching vacancy through an acquaintance, the environment and people drew Moorberg in to apply for the position.

“A friend of a friend knew UD was looking for a head golf coach and thought I would be a good candidate for the position, so I jumped right in and applied,” Moorberg said. “I quickly researched all I could find about UD and confirmed this was a great college and friendly campus.”

Moorberg was not disappointed with her coworkers during her recent onboarding process. So far, she has enjoyed the staff and players, and looks forward to experiencing more traditions like Groundhog in the future.

“I’m quite bummed that I started the Monday after Groundhog Day. I heard there was a big celebration for the holiday on campus, and am looking forward to the tradition next year,” Moorberg shared. “All the staff I’ve met so far have been very nice and welcoming. Everyone in the athletic department are such hard workers and give it their all for their players.”

Right away, the new coach has started working with players and motivating them to reinvigorate their skills after the off-season. Moorberg noticed areas of potential growth in the men’s and women’s teams, but also described her respect for their perseverance despite the previous lack of leadership.

“These players need to be very proud of themselves for playing an entire fall season without an official head coach leading the way,” Moorberg stated. “They have already shown their grit and strength to handle what cards they were dealt with this past semester.”

With quickly upcoming tournaments for both teams this spring season, the intensity in practices are likely on the rise. Armed with a new head coach, these Crusaders are moving towards another chapter in their athletic careers. In the face of these rising tides, Moorberg was motivated to make a positive difference in her players’ skills and mindsets.

Moorberg shared, “I want to build on [the players’] grit and continue to grow the program into something everyone and UD as a whole can be proud of.”

Having just started these past couple weeks, Moorberg is already a great addition to UD’s athletics department. She, and everyone working behind the scenes to support Crusader athletes, truly make a difference in the student culture and athletes’ lives. Thank you to everyone who supported the golf teams during the period of transition, especially Jarred Samples, director of UD Athletics, who stepped up for the teams. Now let’s welcome Coach Moorberg into this community and wish the golf team luck this season!


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