A Picture of Vinh: In Memoriam

Vinh will always be remembered for his adventuring spirit and his legacy will continue. Photo Courtesy of the Nguyen Family

Vinh Nguyen, biology major in the class of 2025, passed away in July 2024. While his time with us has ended, his legacy continues.  Hailing from Arlington, TX, Vinh was the beloved son of Dr. Hung and Mrs. Mary Nguyen. In the fall of 2021, following his tenure at Nolan Catholic High School, Vinh began at the University of Dallas and declared a major in biology. He planned to pursue a career in healthcare with the hopes of “helping people help themselves.”  

An adamant lover of poker and jiu-jitsu, he was involved in various activities at UD. He found a great sense of purpose at the gym, striving to bench 275lbs. Outside of UD, he served his local community as a pharmacy technician, counting pills and processing orders to help others live longer, healthier lives.

Vinh loved adventure. Whether here in DFW or abroad, Vinh was always ready to experience something new. Nathan del Puerto, senior biology major, remembering a paddleboarding trip with Vinh in Spain, said, “We enjoyed the clear blue sky that day. The water was calm and the world felt like it was just enough. Vinh always wanted you to feel comfortable and like everything would be alright. I treasure the memory of that day.” 

An avid rock climber, Vinh enjoyed going to the climbing gym with his friends and the occasional professor. Dr. Jonathan Dannatt, assistant professor of chemistry, and fellow rock climbing enthusiast had the opportunity to climb with Vinh and his friends on a few occasions.  

“Vinh’s best attribute was his remarkable ability to balance joy and dedication,” said Dannat. “As a professor, I only see a portion of a student’s life, but in my time with Vinh, I was struck by his effortless blend of hard work and joy. His friendly demeanor brought a lightness to the classroom that will be deeply missed. Vinh had a way of showing that success isn’t just about excelling academically, which he certainly did, but also about embracing life with a sense of joy and connection that touched everyone around him.”

When you couldn’t find Vinh exploring DFW, crushing it at the gym, relaxing abroad, or climbing, he was likely in a lab working diligently and uplifting his lab mates. Tri Ha, senior biology major, shared one of these arduously long labs with Vinh. 

“We didn’t usually get time to talk to each other outside of lab, so we caught up there,” said Ha. “I just always felt like he understood me deeply and he always knew how to lift my spirits. He was a very easy person to have a connection with.”

Most of all, Vinh is remembered for his dedication to his family. It was not uncommon for him to turn down suggested plans, knowing he had a family event to attend. 

Ha said, “He always had a mass of people supporting him back home. It was not hard to see why he loved his family so much.” 

The love his family has for him is equally palpable. His father, Dr. Hung Nguyen, listed many attributes to describe his son. Above all, he described Vinh as authentic. 

As the world continues to turn and Vinh lies eternally in the hands of the Father, there is one question we might ponder: what will his legacy be? His father, Dr. Nguyen, has an answer. 

“Be kind to all, but do not hesitate to express yourself,” Nguyen said. “Ultimately, be optimistic. Put your faith in God.” 

Remember also, Lord, your servant Vinh, who has gone before us with the sign of faith and rests in the sleep of peace. Grant him, O Lord, we pray, and all who sleep in Christ, a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.


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