What does Student Government do?

The members of the SG Executive Branch (Fernando Vian, Emmanuel Barajas, Luke Enriquez, Peter Key). Photo by Amelia Ebent.

A Letter from the President of SG

“What does Student Government do?” As the student body president of the University of Dallas, I get it. Far too many times have I answered this question, only to be followed up by the pleasantly surprised, “Oh, I didn’t know that.”

Are we the mediator between the student body and the university’s faculty and staff? Do we respond to numerous student concerns? Are we the facilitator of events and traditions, dedicated to strengthening UD’s unique character? Do we have the power of the purse, with an increased annual budget of $20k? Are we responsible for granting clubs and organizations their funds? Is SG the voice of the student body of UD? 

To all this I answer unequivocally, yes.

Allow me to proudly introduce this year’s members of SG. Making up the executive council are me, vice president Emmanuel Barajas, treasurer Peter Key, and secretary Fernando Vian. We organize SG’s weekly Monday night meetings (which are open to the public), enable and encourage senators to undertake special projects and guide SG throughout the school year.

As for the senators, here is the eager coalition of student leaders that will be your voice in the senate: 

The Freshman 

Emma Alexander, Lauren Baugh, Noah Gulick, Ben Skinner, Adriana Terrazas, Santiago Barajas (as the International Senator) and Nam Ha (as the Commuter Senator). 

The Sophomores 

Mary Cavanna, Kaitlyn Munguia, Max Nottingham, Peter Prudlo and Joe Teson. 

The Juniors

Catherine Contonio, Lily Dorris, Clayton Porto, William Saylor, Judith Webster and Henry Stadler (as the Seminarian Senator).

The Seniors 

Jared Berkovsky, Cecilia Fay, Aidan Fitzgibbons, Paul Ochoa and Paul Wolfe.

The bulk of what SG accomplishes is achieved through the three committees that each senator is assigned to, based on their ability and vision for the school.

Crusader Outreach is the committee that oversees SG-run events, complemented by the occasional collaboration with various clubs and organizations, such as Student Foundation, Humanality and UD Olympics. This year’s members are planning on making Sunday Sundaes great again, increasing the number of intramural sports per semester, contributing to Charity Week, continuing the tradition of festooning the Mall with lights at Christmas time and much much more.

Student Concerns is the committee dedicated to addressing the concerns of the student body. Members of this committee are key mediators between the student body and the university’s administration. Currently, members are committed to address what has been far and away the most pervasive student concern this year: resurrecting the Mall’s degenerated culture.

Lastly, Administrative Functions is the committee that supervises SG’s relationships with clubs and organizations on campus. In the past, Administrative Functions’ role was limited to assuring proper adherence to SG’s constitution and by-laws, reviewing prospective clubs and recommending them to the senate for approval. However, as mentioned before, this year’s Administrative Functions has been given an unprecedented responsibility. SG is now in charge of overseeing and distributing $50k to clubs & organizations that request additional funds.

This new $50k budget–on top of our already increased budget of $20k–makes SG financially responsible for $70,000. We don’t just want all this money spent… we need it spent. 

So what does Student Government do? Well, in all honesty, I’ve barely scratched the surface. Under my administration, SG will have more resources and influence than any administration in recent memory. Therefore, I call on any student wishing to leave their mark on this campus; do not be afraid, SG will be your most earnest advocates and ardent allies. Do not hesitate to come to us; you will be welcomed with open arms and eager hearts. 

–  Your Student Body President, Luke Enriquez


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