Today at the University of Dallas, the Satish and Yasmin Gupta College of Business is continuing its partnership with the Pro Players Foundation to host the fourth annual Big Bike Build. The event is taking place at the UD tower from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and the bikes built will be donated to Mission Arlington, which provides for homeless families and children.
Dr. Scott Wysong, associate professor of marketing for COB instructional operations, said, “Part of the Catholic faith is helping others. So this is just a small event and we need to do more, in my opinion, not just in the business school, but campus-wide. Obviously, Charity Week is the whole point of that – we need to do more to help the communities out there.”
Pro Players Foundation is a nonprofit organization that sponsors the Big Bike Builds for companies or nonprofits, handling much of the logistics. Its primary focus is to work to assist children and families in need.
The partnership with PPF started out of desire in the COB to help the broader community.
“One of the things we wanted to do was actually have a societal impact. We sit around and talk about things at the Business School – why don’t we actually do something?” said Wysong.
In the past three years, the bikes have been donated to Mi Escuelita preschools. Since many of PPF’s partnerships have worked with Mi Escuelita in the past, this year, PPF suggested donating the bikes to Mission Arlington.
“Most of these kids have never had a bike,” said Wysong. “So it’s just exciting for them. And the parents are excited as well.”
Hugh Gowans, business major in the class of 2024 and now pursuing a Master’s of Science in Accounting participated in the Big Bike Build last year.
“My overall experience of the event was a positive one,” said Gowans. “It is a fantastic way for UD students to make a positive impact on a community that they may not be from as well as give back to those children who are less fortunate.”
The event is not restricted to student athletes or business majors. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to attend.
“We used to do it in front of the business school – SB Hall – but people didn’t see it over there, so last year we moved it underneath the tower, so it’s a lot more visible, and non-business students can see what’s going on and can come over and get involved,” said Wysong.
The event is taking place during Charity Week, a time of fun and chaos, but more importantly, a time to practice charity.
“Christ commands us to give back to those in need: ‘what you do to the least of My brothers, you do to Me’,” said Gowans. “I highly recommend that all UD students participate in the Big Bike Build, at least once, because it is fulfilling Christ’s commandment of helping the less fortunate in our society.”
Around a hundred bikes will be built today, and all the work will be in the service of those less fortunate.
“As time progresses, the world is slowly becoming more secular and falling away from any religious teaching,” said Gowans. “The Big Bike Build is a subtle way to demonstrate the corporal works of mercy in a secular world. Additionally, this event may invite those who are not necessarily inclined to help those in need to participate through the other organizations and businesses that sponsor the Big Bike Build.”
“It’s a fun event. It’s hands on. It takes just a few minutes to make a kid smile. I mean, that’s about as simple as it is,” said Wysong.