Recently, a new fundraising campaign for the Church of the Incarnation was started at the University of Dallas. Proposed by Friar Mariano Veliz, the Fiat Campaign started last semester and will continue into the spring semester. The goal is to reach $100,000 by the end of the semester.
“The Fiat campaign is modeled on the charity of Blessed Mary when she gives her Fiat,” said Veliz. “We’re using her as a model in relationship to her Son, Jesus Christ, who also gives His Fiat, and He consents to become man, to suffer, to die for us.”
The fundraiser was introduced midway through the fall semester and had its first event, the opening Mass, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 9. The festivities continued into finals week with confession, adoration, and Mass, as well as a series of talks on the theological virtues.
“The Fiat Campaign is going to support a lot of different people–not only the employees here, but it trickles down to the students, because, ultimately, we’re paying for services that are going to be offered to the students,” said Veliz.
Karen Bless, campus minister and assistant to the chaplain, said, “I think this is a beautiful reflection of [Veliz’s] own spirituality, while also recognizing a need that the Church and Campus Ministry has right now.”
The donations that the Fiat Campaign gathers will go towards the works of Campus Ministry and the students also. Campus Ministry, as well as the other functions of the Church of the Incarnation, are funded by the Diocese of Dallas and, consequently, subsist on the donations of parishioners.
However, the Fiat Campaign is not just about raising funds for the Church. It is also a great opportunity for students and parishioners to become spiritually closer to God by growing in generosity.
Bless said that a way for students to be generous with their time is to find other ways to give of themselves for the Church and Campus Ministry.
Veliz said that students who do not think they can financially donate to the church should still ascertain another means of donation as well.
The Fiat Campaign will continue into this coming semester with a few new events, the first of which is the Lenten Mission.
Beyond the Lenten Mission, which will be a series of talks, adoration, confession, and Mass and will occur Mar. 11, 12, and 13, the Fiat Campaign will have two more scheduled fundraising events.
The Lenten raffle will go on from Mar. 5 through Apr. 16, with the drawing on Apr. 23. Then, concluding the spring semester, the Echo Youth Group will put on a concert on May 11.
Although everyone is encouraged at least to show up to these events, the Fiat Campaign is first and foremost a fundraiser.
To that end, Veliz said, “All I’m asking for is $4 a month – just $1 on a Sunday.”
Bless said, “If we give our $3 to the Church instead of to the Cap Bar, the Lord rewards that in beautiful ways, although I think caffeine is very necessary for college students.”
Both Veliz and Bless encourage the students to give as much as they can after they prayerfully consider what is best for them and the Church.
Veliz mentioned that he is pleased with the path the Fiat Campaign is taking and prompts all students and parishioners of the Church of the Incarnation to continue to be generous with their time and resources to reach a goal of $50,000 to $100,000.