It seems that Irving is salivating to rezone land next to UD for “gaming,” i.e., Gambling—a Casino! The total complex must be at least 4 million square feet (gaming area, retail, 1750+ hotel rooms, etc.).
What comes with casinos? Rumor says: prostitution, debt, sex trafficking, drugs, violent crime…. Oh, and “addiction by design” (Schüll).
But hey! You get 5-star restaurants, cheap shows, a damn good time, tight-ass pants and cleavage! Get your kicks!
Never mind those who subsidize your cocktails, sushi and comedians. Who? The poor (aka middle class)! Never mind their mortgages and hungry kids. Sacrifice dad’s paycheck to loan sharks and oligarchs. Never mind the widows cranking slot levers ad nauseam.
But oh, the tax dollars! Dangling possibilities! New fire stations, new schools, new streets, a baseball field? Who knows what? As Hugo said of Fantine’s temptation to sell herself, “Misery offers; society accepts.”
Poor UD! Don’t sell out. And don’t dream of “steering” a Leviathan. Remember David and his sling. Love justice: Catholic social teaching. Don’t feast on bounty from the victims of gambling addiction, predatory loans, etc.
Who at UD wants a zoning change? UD Board Member Al Zapanta?
Zapanta, also a City Council Member, spoke at the February 27th Council Meeting, urging his fellow council members to be unanimous. All who had spoken before him were supportive: “great project,” “move quickly,” “move forward,” etc.
It seems Zapanta, qua council member, endorses it. What about qua UD Board Member? UD Board! Casinos aren’t inevitable. Please resist and permit our pro-mission president (best in 30+ years) to do so as well.
Touching on the meaning of “gaming” in the proposal, Zapanta connected the word to memories of taking his kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Seriously? Do billionaires buy a thousand acres for Chuck E. Cheese’s? Is that why they buy the Mavs and dump Doncic?
Luis Canosa (1.44) argued that the term “gaming” exposes Irving to casinos and that Irving residents must be heard. The mayor retorted (1.54) that Luis was getting “in the weeds.” Yeah, “gaming” is a trivial detail!
The mayor added, “We’re trying to solve something that we don’t have any control over.” Come again? Isn’t it because he’s not giving residents control?
At 1.56, Zapanta appeared to look at Canosa, the only person contradicting unanimity, and said, “You don’t know what the hell you’re doing.” What does he say at UD Board meetings?
If Irving approves, and Texas obliges: Voilà! One or more casinos 40-50 stories high. Five years after opening, typical increases follow: robbery (up 136%), aggravated assault (91%), auto theft (78%), burglary (50%),… (Grinols & Mustard, 2006).
Who suffers from these increases? The poor, not gated communities! Plunging property values? Don’t sweat: taxes drop. Nest egg up in smoke? Sell your home and rent back! Trafficked daughter?
Who owns the land? Apparently, an entity associated with Las Vegas Sands. Sands owns Venetian Macao, maybe the world’s largest casino (3 million sf complex: Wiki). Sands also owns Sands Macao and hired Steve Jacobs as CEO in 2009. Sheldon Adelson, then head of Sands, reportedly fired Jacobs in 2010, allegedly for “breaking company policy….” (Forbes 7.9.2012).
Jacobs claimed (WSJ 6.29.2012) he was wrongfully terminated after launching “‘Operation Clean Sweep’ designed to rid the casino floor of loan sharks and prostitution.” Jacobs said “chairman Sheldon Adelson approved a ‘prostitution strategy’ at the casino….”
Adelson reportedly denied the accusations (Forbes 7.9.2012): “Despite the attack on his wallet and reputation, Adelson says he’ll never settle out of court.” In 2016, Sands settled with Jacobs for over $75 million (WSJ 6.1.2016).
Adelson reportedly sued the National Jewish Democratic Council for $60 million, “arguing the [NJDC] libeled him by saying his political contributions were sullied by links to prostitution.” (Times of Israel 10.2.2013) Adelson’s suit was dismissed.
The NJDC reportedly countersued (Law & Crimes 12.18.2019), “accusing the right-wing oligarch of waging a campaign of ‘legal sadism’….”
Back in 2010, Taipei Times (12.11.2010) wrote, “Over 100 arrested for prostitution at Venetian Macao.” In 2011, the SEC apparently investigated Sands (WSJ 3.2.2011), and Sands reportedly agreed (WSJ 4.7.2016) to pay $9 million.
Does Irving want troubles like these? Does UD? Maybe these reports are erroneous. Maybe Sands has changed for the better. Let’s pray for that. But should we bet on that? And if Sands were to sell to a lower-end casino, wouldn’t there be other troubles?
UD Constituents: Do you want this? If not, consider charitably contacting the Board and our mission defender, President Sanford,; switchboard is (972)721-5000. Empower your Alma Mater to beseech Irving not to open the zone for casinos!
Irving residents: email, sign this petition, email City Manager Chris Hillman District 6 residents, contact Mr. Zapanta at
Time’s short. Irving P&Z and Council will decide on March 17 and 20.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Dr. Christopher Malloy is Professor and Chair of the Theology Department at the University of Dallas. He has been an Irving Resident for over 23 years.