The man, the myth, the legend.
As the fountain of academic excellence embodied in a rigorous Catholic education, the University of Dallas is dedicated to a lifelong pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue. If any person could be said to embody the spirit of the University’s mission statement, that person would be none other than Porter Schmidt.
Schmidt’s presence at UD is unparalleled, playing a prominent role in Student Government, Student Foundations, the Alexander Hamilton Society, Crusader Standard and the Society of St. Joseph. His preeminence extends as a senior politics major, serving as a reputable student leader for the politics department, the senior class and the student body as a whole. Needless to say, if you haven’t met Porter yet, you’ve most definitely heard of him.
With a personality larger than life, some of Schmidt’s characteristics have become iconic. “When I look back on my time at UD,” said a close friend of Schmidt, “my mind is mostly filled with flashes of Porter sitting on the mall amongst our friends… twirling his mustache or smoking a cigarette. While this may seem like a mundane detail of my day to day life, these are actually some of my most fond memories.”
“UD would feel much less like UD without Porter smoking on the Mall or chatting at the Capp Bar,” said another close friend.
Loyalty is a key attribute of Schmidt, as he always puts in the time and effort to secure the friendships he has cultivated over the years. “In the four years I’ve known him, he has always put others before himself without hesitation. His selflessness makes him a true role model. I love Porterlicious,” said a past roommate.
“Porter is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. He makes an effort to talk to you and get to know you. He is the most generous person I have met, and he does this purely from love. I too love Porterlicious,” said someone who did not room with him.
When asked “What does P-Schmidtty mean to you?”, time and time again, the answer was, “I am lucky to call Porter Schmidt my friend,” proving not just Schmidt’s love of UD, but UD’s reciprocating love of Schmidt.
Without a doubt, the ethos of Porter Schmidt is in his exceptional Catholic devotion to our Lord. His conversion story alone would make for an exceptional coming-of-age, 87%-on-Rotten-Tomatoes movie. With a Mass attendance that would put a priest to shame, and a prayer routine that moves like clockwork, Schmidt has found the Aristotelian mean between a comprehensive social life and an intimate relationship with God.
“Porter saved my soul,” said a close companion of Schmidt. “It is largely through Porter’s friendship that I came back to the faith. Who am I that he should have done this for me? The Lord truly works through this holy and just man. Never have I seen a man so universally adored and so deserving of such adoration. The love of Christ permeates his being. I wouldn’t be surprised if this article one day became a key primary source for the hagiography of St. Porter Schmidt.”
“A Christian joy oozes into his friendships,” said another amigo. “He is a thoughtful conversationalist, a humble companion in street-folly and a Christian brother with grand, holy ambition.”
“Porter is the head of the table,” said a Capp Bar worker. “He is the first to call us to prayer and the last to leave the meal. He is the captain of the Superfast. He is the ginger giant who once sacrificed even his gingerness for us. His selfless suave and his humble bald head have a forever place on the Mall and in our hearts.”
Last but not least, Schmidt’s strong presence is felt in the classroom, with a prominent politics professor remarking, “UD is, and ought to be, proud to have educated a student like Porter, who loves truth and justice, who can be patriotic without chauvinism, liberally educated without intellectual arrogance, and seriously Catholic while honestly admitting that he does not know what he does not know.”
Whether it’s his bald head, his ginger goatee, his embrace of Texas cowboy culture (despite his Seattle upbringing), his omnipresence at the Capp Bar, losing his phone (twice) in Rome, his athleticism in volleyball, his generous tips at restaurants, his unquenched caffeine addiction, his past vegetarian diet or his (occasionally frustrating) lack of answering on his dumbphone, Porter Schmidt is undoubtedly the very heart of the University of Dallas.