My take on the matter


Learning about Catholic charismatic prayer over the past two weeks has been a new and insightful experience. Since I grew up only being taught traditional Catholic ways of prayer, I was very unfamiliar with the concept and practice of charismatic prayer. I knew at the surface level that it involved a lot of expressive enthusiasm and movement. While researching articles in the archives that Duquesne University had on the matter, I found that many followers within the Catholic community have and still consider it a powerful way to strengthen their faith through using the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. While I don’t have a personal experience with charismatic prayer, I’ve formulated a neutral position on the matter. As long as it doesn’t deter from the Catholic tradition and is responsibly led, it seems that it is a fruitful way to get closer to God for many Catholics. Whether or not we prefer charismatic prayer, prayer should continuously strengthen our relationship with God.


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