All hail the Groundhog Court of 2024

Connor and Jenkins, crowned at TGIT. Photo by Roisin Gaffney.

Any avid reader of The Cor Chronicle will likely recognize the faces of 2024’s Groundhog Court. Ryan Connor and Eleanor Jenkins seem to have a hand in every good thing on the UD campus, from dances to club activities to UD spirit. But for those who have not had the pleasure of acquaintance with these beloved seniors, I now present your King and Queen:

Ryan Connor

The Groundhog King

Despite triple majoring in English, history and classics, King Connor is not to be contained to academics alone. While keeping up with his busy class schedule, Connor is also an ambassador in UD’s Office of Admissions, as well as an active participant and leader in other events on and off campus.

Connor is an active part of the Philosophy club and the Groundhog Library as well as a member of UD’s rugby team.

While it’s unconfirmed whether Connor has learned to bilocate, it is confirmed that he also likes to make time for early-morning Mass at Cistercian, writing poetry and hosting music nights at his condo where he can be found playing guitar and singing his heart out as well as keeping up with his rigorous academics.

“How can such a person be real?” you might ask yourself, but Connor has only gotten where he is today through a joyful dedication to living well. “Freshman me would be a little freaked out at how much more social I am now than then,” Connor admitted. “He would also say: ‘nice beard.’”

Eleanor Jenkins

The Groundhog Queen

A senior English major hailing from Alabama, Queen Jenkins can allegedly be seen everywhere on campus, much like King Connor. You may recognize her face from TGIT, talking to favorite professors, working with Campus Activities Board or studiously reading outside the Fishbowl on a lovely day.

Jenkins loves to read and to play guitar. She likes to learn new things and strives for kindness. How does she do it all?

Prioritizing morning Mass and Adoration whenever possible, Jenkins finds, “it’s very centering in such a hectic last semester.” Jenkins wants to be grounded in the Lord, prioritizing Him while soaking up the goodness of the moments and the people around her.

She likes good food (everything except mashed potatoes, that is), but she especially likes to eat with her friends, sharing their time and their stories and reveling in the joy of relationships. Jenkins loves Groundhog because it combines two of her favorite things: music and people. She watches her friends sing on stage and dances right alongside them at the front of the crowd.

Jenkins seems to be the quintessential UD student, but her heart wasn’t always set on UD. As a senior in high school, she heard varying opinions of UD and sat on the fence a bit before sending off a prayer and leaving it up to God. She sees it as providence that God led her to UD.

The Jenkins of freshman year needed to grow, and it turns out UD was the perfect place to foster that growth. Queen Jenkins thinks freshman Jenkins would be proud of where she is today.

“Every bad thing that happens to you is turned good by the Lord, no matter how difficult it is,” Jenkins shared. “The Lord, if you let Him, will turn that into something unimaginably amazing for your life.”

Alongside these words of wisdom, Jenkins advised, “hug your mom.” Be loving and kind to the people around you, especially those loved ones you don’t get to see as much as you’d like.

As seniors, these two students are going to leave some big shoes to fill, but they’re also a successful testament to the fun-loving, hard-working ethic that UD students strive for.


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