Groundhog Guidance

Groundhog Guidance

Dear Groundhog,

I’m really interested in Taylor Swift! However, none of my close friends think she’s as amazing as I do. How do I get them interested? I can’t just shake it off!


A Swiftie

Dear Swiftie,

I’m a huge fan of Taylor Swift too! Some of my favorite songs include: It’s Nice to Have a Furry Friend, Out of the Woodchuck (Taylor’s Version), Furless (Taylor’s Version), Marmot Like Me and Holy Groundhog (Taylor’s Version). As I always say, not everyone can have great taste so if you don’t have similar interests, that’s okay! I promise there are plenty of people around who love her as much as you do. You can always make them watch the “Reputation Stadium Tour” movie or “The Eras Tour: At Home” until they convert. Happy evangelizing!


The Groundhog

Dear Groundhog,

It seems like girls often spend a lot of time gossiping and talking about trivial and pointless things when they are together. Conversations with guys can sometimes be way more interesting and informative about real-life things with no drama. How do I implement that into my friendships with girls?


Not Like Other Girls

Dear Not Like Other Girls,

First, I think it’s really important to recognize that having conversations about “trivial and pointless things” is an unfortunate first step to being in a relationship with another person. Also, these conversations can happen between men and women. Do you really think girls are the only ones who talk about trivial and pointless things? I just witnessed two guys on the Mall have a conversation about whether a straw has two holes or one. Obviously, it’s two – anyway, I’m getting off track. My point is that conversations like these don’t have an apparent end goal at all, but it’s an easy way to interact with other humans without feeling pressure to talk about yourself. However, if you want to talk about those things, browse the poster-riddled boards in Braniff or Gorman and attend one of the many discussion-based events that interest you, and interact with as many different people as possible to get a better idea of who you want to be friends with. Know that you can do that without making assumptions about people based on their gender.


The Groundhog


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