A Hymn to Violation

Featured image by Niko Tsviliov on Unsplash.

(For Hecuba) 

Children profaned, domestic gods defiled, 

A withered skin provides a balding shelter 

To naked elements; she reconciled 

To virgin’s death–unveiled by gentle belter– 

Clutched cancerously to rank, world-worn womb. A whispered orison misplaced, unseen, 

Frustrates not flagrant whore’s seductive sighs– Piercing spousal hearth, too haughty to wean Affection’s asp despite duplicity. 

Illogicality, chaotic, cackles, 

Derides her–raped of authenticity– 

For breasts unsexed by age, still tabernacles 

Of love, though stripped of hope and dignity. Trust you now God’s heart or humanity?


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