Getting the lowdown on campus happenings
Down with the monarchy and welcome to the wild, wild west! Charity Week is here, and our fearless sheriffs, Robert Cook and Isabel Luevano, are showing us a week of good old, country-style fun.
On the mall, there have been booths selling tickets and signups for all the events going on this week. All week long you will be able to send a candy gram, pay to get your shoes shined, submit and vote on your favorite original UD country song or your favorite Rome photos, participate in the class penny wars and sign up for the glizzy gobbler hotdog eating competition.
Chaos has been in full swing since Monday, and, really, what is more wild west than having shootouts on the mall, even if they are just water guns? The jail is up and running, with many having already been thrown in by upstanding posses of law-abiding students. Rumor has it that they may even be serenaded with the mournful tunes of a harmonica. There are also opportunities for students to be put in the stocks.
On Monday, the bake sale took place on the Mall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The professor panel also occurred, with some of UD’s most notorious outlaws being questioned by students.
Be sure to hang around the mall during the week to see professors and students have showdowns on the Mall. Make sure to stay out of the way of stray bullets. It is dangerous out here in the Wild West.
Teams of bandits and other themed groups have been running around since Monday, breaking into dorms and tucking students into bed. Make sure to get a tuck-in for your friends, before they do the same to you!
On Tuesday, mayhaps you were fortunate enough to mosey on over to watch Chief Greene’s annual mustache competition in Haggar at 3:30. The charity week talent show took place in Haggar at 8 p.m., with many strange shenanigans occurring and many folks a-shootin’ off their doggone best skills.
Today, Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the silent auction will be on campus for students to bet on chances to win experiences with their professors. What’s more country than some line dancing fun with a grill and some good music? SSJ will be serving brats, so come on down and get some food and learn some new line dances starting at 8 p.m. on the Mall.
On Thursday, the silent auction will be back again outside the fishbowl. There will be a Gold Rush scavenger hunt on campus from 8-11 p.m., so sign up with friends to join the gold fever and lay claim to a prize!
Thursday is Halloween, and what happens when Halloween and the Wild West combine? According to Robert Cook, you get a spooky ghost town TGIT – a perfect blend between Western and Halloween! Put on your boots and your hat and come down to the Rat to sing some ghostly karaoke and dance around!
On Friday there are a bucket load of events happening, so prepare for a day of Wild West fun. There will be a mechanical bull on the mall, which our Sheriffs are very excited about. The hotdog eating competition will be taking place at the mall. There will be a haunted house in Anselm second floor organized by some of our scariest juniors, so come down to get a good thrill! The mystery match will be taking place at 8 p.m. in the rat, so make sure to sign up and go mix and mingle with some cowboys and cowgirls!
On Saturday, the charity week 5k will be taking place, followed by the powderpuff game between the upperclassmen and the lowerclassmen. The Male Auction will be the final event of charity week, so come around to see the performances and what private events are being offered!