Humans of UD: Stephen Gontis

Photo by Amelia Ebent.

Meet Stephen Gontis: the friendly face known for always letting the unfortunate student into the library when they forget their keycard. Although widely recognized as a librarian, Gontis is also a graduate student at the University of Dallas. 

Gontis is originally from Harrisburg, Pa.. He is pursuing a doctorate in English at UD after completing his undergraduate degree at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. Gontis reflects fondly on his undergraduate years at Franciscan University, where his passion for the poetry of T.S. Eliot was first ignited. His interest in Eliot has remained steadfast throughout graduate school, and he now plans to dedicate his dissertation to the poet’s work.

Although he was deciding between UD and the Catholic University of America for his English doctorate, he ultimately was drawn to UD by its inspiring mission statement and the strength of its English program. Gontis is in his third year of the PhD program and aspires to teach in the future.

Many undergraduates recognize Gontis by the warm smile gazing up at them from the library help desk. He has been working at the UD library for over a year now and has loved his time there. He especially loves the community it fosters, giving him the opportunity to connect with new people every day. 

Gontis finds great fulfillment in supporting students and contributing to their learning journey. This desire to lend a helping hand serves as a precursor to his future career as a teacher. He has loved his time at UD, describing UD as possessing a down-to-earth nature, one especially evident in the undergraduates.

Gontis greatly enjoys traveling and has a particular fascination with Scotland. He recounted the story of his harrowing journey through the Scottish Highlands. 

A few years ago, his dream became a reality when he organized a camping trip to the Highlands with a group of friends. However, the trip took some treacherous turns when his friends bailed on him and his trip became a solo one. 

Determined, he nonetheless began his journey, eager to explore the countryside, even after hearing that rain was predicted in the forecast. He hiked to the summit of a mountain unshaken, but then, without warning, torrents of rain began to fall, and the wind tore his tent away, causing it to collapse and nearly suffocate him. 

Stranded atop the mountain with no shelter, he spent the entire night exposed to the elements. Yet, despite the brutal conditions, he found solace in his faith, trusting in the resilience and providence of God. By morning, he emerged from the ordeal not only alive but with a remarkable story to tell.

This story is just an inkling of the depth of Gontis’ experience and stories like this one help show that Gontis a true UDer. 

Stephen Gontis is an exceptional and valuable addition to the vibrant and dynamic nature of the UD community. His contributions, insights and presence truly enhance the overall atmosphere of the campus. The next time you have the opportunity, be sure to take a moment to tap into the wealth of knowledge he brings. You won’t regret it!


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