March 8 – International Women’s Day

Photo by Emma Powers.

The importance of commemorating women’s greatness

Surely, many do not understand the importance of International Women’s Day. In fact, many think its existence is unnecessary. Woman? Why a whole day based on her? What has she done to deserve it? 

Well, you breathe because of her. Debatable reason, I know. But I really do not need reasons to justify why a woman deserves today: her simple awesomeness does it on its own. 

It’s not that she’s the superior gender or a god to glorify- she’s simply a human being who has to struggle in order to breathe. She is a fighter by nature, and, although it is hard to believe, she possesses enormous strength. 

Throughout history, she has been subjected to inhumane acts, and it seems that this sinister burden persists into the present day. However, neither the forces of the social order in the past nor those in the present surpass the natural strength that she possesses.

I said you breathe because of her, and it is still true. While she may not have been solely responsible for conceiving you, she was responsible for bearing the weight of your bones for a long time inside her body. 

What about the strength she used to finally bring you into the world, or how her whole body transformed and directed all its strength to bring you into the light? It is incomparable. 

It is this same progenitive power that fuels women to fight for their own lives. One recalls with respect the events where a woman herself, in spite of infinite limitations, has used the energy of her spirit and love for life to uncover her own mouth. 

To this day, in many places her mouth continues to be covered, beaten and abused for the simple fact of being a woman. Beyond the physical attack, she also receives constant blows to the heart. 

Those in the social order always come to her with illogical expectations: that she should cross to the right, but also to the left; that she should keep her purity, but not fail to please; that she should keep her nature, but only as long as she looks groomed and pretty; that she should be a full-time mother, but not stop working; that she should talk, but if she’s going to say something they don’t like, she had better be quiet. 

They are not satisfied with anything. No matter how hard a woman tries to fit into their ideals, she never succeeds. If she doesn’t try, the stigma is even greater. 

In situations like this, perhaps it seems better for the woman to isolate herself from the forces of the social order. It is preferable to do that rather than live to please someone else. It is better to separate herself than to deny herself. 

However, despite the humiliations, accusations and denigrations from the opposite sex and, unfortunately, from her own, she moves forward with a courageous heart. 

She does not have to abandon humanity, for she belongs to it. After all, she is one of those responsible for its existence. However, it is true that humanity prefers to abandon her in her suffering and to ignore her struggle. She does not deserve to be a victim of mistreatment; she is also human. 

But as I said, the power of her nature is strong. If she is able to endure suffering to bring forth life, then she can also endure suffering to maintain her own. 

And while the forces of order attack her with hatred, she, without losing her greatness, responds with love. She is always understanding and empathetic; if she responds to hostility with anger, it is because the world has corrupted her.

She is the first to recognize her value, her potential, her beautiful power to create and to fight to give it its deserved place. No one helps her but God, Who blessed her by giving her the feminine aura, the aura connected to beauty and love. 

It is unbelievable that Woman, who helps to create and preserve life is so limited in her living. But she does not hide forever. That’s the most beautiful thing:she shines from the core of her womb.

Woman? She is the detector of beauty and value that does nothing but bring light into the world. She deserves a world, not just a day, where her greatness is commemorated. 

Victoria Montilla is a freshman English major.


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